Comn Creative Lab is being established with the aim of improving the journey of entrepreneurs, creators, and artists. The lab is constantly iterating on details that help us enhance and expand potential services, making each stage of their journey more refined. From ideation to bringing the final result to the public, we’re building from the ground up because no one is actively working to unite efforts across related industries to improve them collectively. We're figuring out everything so that those busy developing the next solution, writing their next song, or turning their hobby into something bigger can focus on what matters most without unnecessary distractions.
It's a moonshot. I believe both art and business are an integral part of our system. An artistic approach to living introduced me to an individualistic approach to knowledge and expression, but my curiosity always pointed me towards a more structured, reliable, and progressive destination.
Comn is an execution strategy. I am willingly putting myself on the market to build an understanding first. I am willingly spending my time and money on the foundational work of consumer understanding. It's an execution strategy to understand and build something great for players like you and me.
Agencies don't have a good reputation; most agencies die. That's why I am not trying to build an agency. Comn is what the future will want to execute great ideas with. I am building a company that will tell you why it's easy to be uncertain and still win.
This journey, from whenever it started, has taught me tough lessons about life and the nature of building a future on uncertainty. I am over it now. I don't get scared. If that rocket man can do it, I have become delusional enough to believe I can too.
'What' is vague, 'How' is being written, 'Why' is the Comn cause.